Rice Revolution Restaurant

Giving you a tasty and healthy dining option.

Food & Agriculture

Enterprise/business philosophy and objectives of the founder 

This is an eco-friendly restaurant which chooses local, seasonal and sustainably-grown food to support small farmers. It aims to purchase these agricultural products steadily as a way to reducing the selling pressure faced by small farmers. and reducing the environmental pollution that comes from pesticides and chemical fertilizers, at the same time to free small farmers from being harmed by toxic substances.

History of development/business model 

Hsin-hui Chiu used to suffer from allergies and asthma, but she got improved by changing diet which was strongly imposed by her mom, in a positive way. Hsin-hui was inspired by her mom who made healthy and yummy meals responsibly. When she was a student, she started to visit many organic restaurants in different European countries and got involved in many environmental issues and campaigns. A couple years laters, she built an environment-advocacy restaurant with some friends.
All ingredients used in Rice Revolution Restaurant are directly sourced from local small farmers who grow produce in an environmentally-friendly way. Their team visit local farms in order to build a tight relationship with farmers, season and also with mother earth. Rice Revolution designs its menu in accordance with seasonal supply and fair trade flavourings. At the same time, it sells local produce and environmentally-friendly products in its restaurant. Rice Revolution also gives discounts to take away customers who bring their own cups or containers, encouraging everyone to reduce the amount of rubbish produced.

Creating social value/mitigating social problems 

Rice Revolution Restaurant not only provides a dining environment as safe and reliable as a home kitchen to those who often eat out, but also delivers ideas about how to lead a healthy life. Rice Revolution Restaurant has organized many lectures related to environment and social movements. Not only that, it also leases its space to environmental or social movement organizations to spark changing fire. With a goal to promote eco-friendly restaurant, workshop which shares the experience of how to run an eco-friendly restaurant is regularly held, and Rice Revolution Restaurant also cooperates with culinary school to get contact with potential chefs. This is not only a restaurant, but also a space where “environmental initiatives” can be advocated.

Cantact them

No.9, Hengyang Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100, Taiwan

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