DA.AI Technology
Co-existing with the Earth – A Tzu Chi Initiative.
Enterprise/business philosophy and objectives of the founder
A culture of environmental protection, a circle of love, and contribution to society are the three core values of DA.AI Technology, and an awareness that “recycling is good, not needing to is better” is the message that DA.AI Technology hopes to convey to consumers. DA.AI Technology does not confine itself simply to manufacturing, but instead hopes to become a communicator of environmental protection concepts and an educator in public interest ideas.
History of development/business model
“Textile polyester fabric and plastic bottles are both refined from oil, so why can’t we turn recycled plastic bottles into disaster relief blankets?” It was this question that in 2008 inspired five practitioners to raise funds to set up a company and start investing in environmentally friendly science and technology causes. DA.AI Technology’s material, made out of plastic bottles, already has a variety of functions, such as being antiperspirant, warm, deodorising, anti-static, water-repellent, etc., and is used to create a number of products. DA.AI Technology has established a standard recycling process at the Tzu Chi Recycling Centre and purchases bottles at higher than the market price. Technology is then used to create various everyday products out of the bottles in cooperation with textile industry partners. The company’s surplus earnings are contributed in full to the Tzu Chi Foundation, which uses funds for domestic and international relief efforts and charity purposes. DA.AI Technology is Taiwan’s first environmentally friendly public enterprise.
Creating social value/mitigating social problems
Every year, DA.AI Technology recycles approximately 2000 tonnes of PET bottles to be used in its manufacturing process. The total number of bottles to have been recycled and reused is already 518,864,488 (at the end of September 2016). In addition to the implementation of environmentally friendly recycling, through continuous R&D and innovation, it has ensured that its products can be of more help to society. For example, when earthquakes occur, Tzu Chi Foundation issues environmentally friendly blankets, and, after the Formosa Fun Coast explosion, DA.AI Technology cooperated with Sunshine Social Welfare Foundation to make the burn victims more comfortable by providing pressure clothing that is better for movement. DA.AI Technology is the first in the textile industry to create a “Product History Card” for its products. Using this card, consumers can trace the source of raw materials and data relating to energy and carbon reduction, highlighting the special story of each product and the importance of environmentally friendly consumption.
Contact them
886 2 2657 5245
2F., No.69, Jhouzih St., Neihu Dist., Taipei City 11493, Taiwan (R.O.C.)