Optimising the value of fair trade using Taiwanese designs and traditional craft


Optimising the value of fair trade using Taiwanese designs and traditional craft.

Fair Trade

Enterprise/business philosophy and objectives of the founder 

TWINE supports and advocates the ideas of fair trade and environmentally-friendly design, provides a reasonable salary and safe working environment for producers, and values community building and social welfare. It provides consumers with the best quality and reasonable prices and, by doing so, advocates the idea of changing the world through ethical consumption.

History of development/business model 

TWINE was established in 2010. A portion of the products it sells is designed by its team of designers using fair trade materials. Its other products are produced by various fair trade organisations in different countries, all of which are accredited by the World Fair Trade Organisation (WFTO). The majority of the makers of these products are disadvantaged people, and the non-profit/non-governmental organisations they work for are all members of the WFTO. Half of the revenue from its product sales goes back to local producers in Nepal, Kenya and Chile, providing them with a reasonable income and social welfare.

Creating social value/mitigating social problems 

Currently, TWINE has nine branches. Along with 25 countries and 60 fair trade sustainable growth organisations, TWINE is the only member of the WFTOin Taiwan, as well as co-ordinator of Taiwan in Fashion Revolution.

In addition to the continued development of fair trade apparel, TWINE collaborates with Fashion Revolution’s international campaigns and transmits the latest news about green fashion to a Taiwanese audience. Apart fromcontinuing to hold regular social welfare events, participation in local community development became a part of its agenda in 2017 in an attempt to enhance the skills of producers and provide more resources and assistance to local communities.

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